Library News

Empty Shelves
In preparation for our renovations, we have begun clearing the shelves of books. Some will be moved upstairs; others will be stored offsite; and duplicates will be made available to campus. Your patience and understanding are appreciated as we undergo these improvements.
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Juneteenth Observation Flyer
In observation of Juneteenth, the University has a ceremony on June 21 from 12-1:30 PM. More information is at the event's webpage.
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...and the living is easy. The Vet Library will have reduced hours until Aug 14. You are welcome anytime we are open. Have a restful summer; see you in the fall.
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Cozy Corner
Congratulations, Class of 2023, and good luck with finals V25 & V26! If, during the frenzy of the school year's end, you need a breather, the library has a cozy corner where you can take time - perhaps with a mug of tea and a puzzle. We are open until...
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As Spring emerges, the Office of Sustainability’s seed trays are germinating in the library’s windows. If seeing those seedlings inspires you to garden, feel free to take a seed packet from our display! As packets are taken, more are put out, so the selection is always revolving. Happy gardening!
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Having gone through 6 puzzles so far this semester, we began a new puzzle this week. Come try to find a few edge pieces. Perhaps check out a puzzle to bring home while you are here.
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New Books
On top of the Reserves shelving, we have a selection of new books for your perusal. Our e-books have QR codes posted which lead to the text. Feel free to stop by - maybe have a cup of tea and check out a puzzle while you're here.
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Hot Cocoa Bar
Hot Cocoa Bars across Campus Bring Your Own Mug Library: 8AM-3PM
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Items to Color
The Vet Library has rock and paper coloring available to help you destress this week (or any other time!). Good luck & enjoy!
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Seasonal Display
The Vet Library has a display of local animals and our interactions with them and their environment. Thanks to student worker Emily Sharp for another captivating curation of library materials.
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