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Databases starting with B
BabelScores selects the works of the most creative, original and innovative composers of the past few decades, offering a wide catalogue and setting up a powerful circulation platform addressed to instrumentalists, ensembles, orchestras, composers, musicologists, conservatories, universities and festivals throughout the world.
A searchable database of full-text and full-image newspaper articles published in: the Afro-American (Baltimore, Md. : 1892), the Afro-American Ledger (Baltimore, Md.), and the Afro-American (Baltimore, Md. : 1915). This ProQuest historical newspaper provides first-hand accounts of the politics, society and events of the time.
A database search engine covers European and American art from late antiquity to the present, indexes and abstracts art-related books, conference proceedings and dissertations, exhibition and dealer's catalogs, and articles from more than 2,500 periodicals.
The Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale aims to provide a comprehensive, current bibliography of monographs worldwide and listings of miscellany volumes (conference proceedings, essay collections or Festschriften). It currently comprises 50,000 titles from 1958 to 2009, i.e. the whole of the relevant elements from the famous bibliography in the Cahiers de civilisation médiévale. Every reference has been fully classified by date, subject and location, and provides full bibliographical records. The disciplines to which the Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale is relevant include all aspects of history, language and literature, philosophy and theology, art history, archaeology, and so forth in the Western, Byzantine and Islamic world. The Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale is fully integrated with the International medieval bibliography: users can either search the bibliographical records of articles (IMB) and monographs (BCM) simultaneously, or select only one of the two bibliographies.
Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) is the most comprehensive Western-language database for research on East, Southeast and South Asia. It covers all subjects with special focus on the humanities and social sciences. All entries are searchable by author, title, year of publication, subject, country, keyword and ISSN.
The BTL Online database provides electronic access to all editions of Latin texts published in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana, ranging from antiquity and late antiquity to medieval and neo-Latin texts. A total of approximately 13 million word forms are thus accessible electronically. Each year, the database is extended by the texts of the newly printed Latin editions of the Bibliotheca Teubneriana.
Offers online access to the core literature of biology and agriculture, much of it from peer-reviewed journals plus full text.
An aggregation of research journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by small societies, and non commercial publishers.
Issued as a part of the Web of science, the database covers original research reports and reviews in biological and biomedical areas. Coverage includes traditional areas of biology such as botany, zoology, and microbiology, as well as related fields such as biomedical, agriculture, pharmacology, and ecology. Also included are interdisciplinary fields such as medicine, biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering, and biotechnology. The database covers content summaries, books, meeting abstracts, papers, and posters. BIOSIS also combines the content from Biological Abstracts and Biological Abstracts/RRM.
Birds of the World is a research database that brings together scholarly content from four major works of ornithology [Birds of North America, The Handbook of Birds of the World, Neotropical Birds, and Bird Families of the World], millions of bird observations from eBird, and multimedia content from the Macaulay Library into a single platform where biologists and birders can explore comprehensive life history information on birds. Birds of the World presents a vast array of information about every species, subspecies, and family of the world's birds. Accounts include images, sounds, and videos as well as illustrations, maps, animations, and authoritative text from all of the component projects.
The index to the Black Literature microfiche collection. This index allows users to search bibliographic citations for fiction, poetry, and literary reviews published in 110 black periodicals and newspapers between 1827-1940.
A portal to several resources in black studies (African American Studies, African Studies, and Diaspora Studies) including essays from Schomberg Studies on the Black Experience, indexes and full-text from black journals and periodicals covered by the International Index to Black Periodicals, the Marshall Index (formerly A Guide to Negro Periodical Literature), and the Black Literature Index. Also includes the full-text of the Chicago Defender newspaper, 1912-1975.
Black Studies in Video includes streaming access to seminal documentaries, interviews, and previously unavailable archival footage surveying the black experience in the United States. Highlights include footage from the 50th anniversary reunion celebrating the founding of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, documentaries of major black figures (e.g. Toni Morrison, Langston Hughes, Huey P. Newton), and the Hatch-Billops Collection on black American art, drama, and literature.
A collection of non-fiction writings by major American black leaders—teachers, artists, politicians, religious leaders, athletes, war veterans, entertainers, and other figures—covering 250 years of history.
Provides up-to-the-minute news and prices from financial markets around the world. Offerings include 24-hour historical and 15-minute delayed securities pricing, news, data, and analysis on companies, markets and economies. Coverage includes equities, money markets, currencies, bonds, commodities, mortgage-backed securities, and derivatives.
BMJ Best Practice is a point-of-care database developed by the BMJ Evidence Centre. It draws on the latest evidence to offer step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention.
BMJ Journals publish medical titles in specialist clinical areas, public health and evidence-based medicine.
BoardVitals offers board review questions and quizzes for the National Board Dental Exam (NBDE) I and II, Physician Assistant National Certification and Recertification Exam (PANCE / PANRE), United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE Steps 1, 2, and 3), and shelf exams for Neurology, OBGYN, Psychiatry, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, and Emergency Medicine. First time users must register with their Tufts email before using this database.
Fully indexes over 30,000 editorially selected books in the sciences.
Searchable full-text and full-image issues of the Boston Globe (1872-1984). Includes Boston Daily Globe (1872-1922), Boston Daily Globe (1923-1927), Daily Boston Globe (1928-1960), and Boston Globe (1960-1991).
The Bremer-Kovacs Collection: Historic Documents Related to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 is a comprehensive collection designed to make the APA’s history more accessible and understandable.
The Brennan Center is a nonpartisan law and policy institute that seeks to improve the systems of democracy and justice in the United States. The Center's work focuses on a wide range of issues, such as voting rights, campaign finance reform, racial justice in criminal law, and Constitutional protection in the fight against terrorism. This HeinOnline collection contains over 200 titles, its law and policy scholarship addresses many issues, is largely written by attorneys, and is extensively peer-reviewed by scholars and legal practitioners. Once a year, the Center publishes a book-length volume, Democracy and Justice: Collected Writings, which compiles excerpts from the year's shorter scholarship and includes new material for that publication.
This collection provides access to telegrams, correspondence, minutes, memoranda and confidential prints gathered in the India Office Military Department on Mesopotamia.
Complete runs of 48 newspapers specially selected to best represent 19th Century Britain: London's national and regional newspapers; those from established country or university towns as well as the new industrial centers of the Midlands; and from Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Special attention was paid to include newspapers that helped lead particular political or social movements such as Reform, Chartism, and Home Rule. The penny papers aimed at the working and clerical classes are also present in the collection.
Culled from the U.S. National Archives, this collection consists of correspondence and telegrams received and sent by the American consular post in Jerusalem. The topics covered by these records include the protection of interests of American citizens, foreign trade, shipping, and immigration. Includes significant material related to the British Mandate in Palestine.
British Periodicals traces the development and growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the seventeenth century through to the Victorian 'age of periodicals' and beyond. Topics covered in Collection I include literature, philosophy, history, science, the fine arts and the social sciences. Topics in Collection II include literature, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.
The British Politics and Society archive of Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) is packed with primary source documentation that enhances a greater understanding and analysis of the development of urban centers and of the major restructuring of society that took place during the Industrial Revolution. The content selection rationale for British Politics and Society was to present materials that enable in-depth examination and analysis of the growing calls for political reform that were met with state resistance and marked a crisis of legitimacy for both the government and the reform movements themselves. Political issues and reform derive from economic, social, ideological, even psychological elements, none of which should be assessed in a vacuum. The documents in this archive consider these political issues in the form of personalities, events, and institutions.
British Theatre, Music, and Literature: High and Popular Culture features a wide range of primary sources related to the arts in the Victorian era, from playbills and scripts to operas and complete scores. These rare documents, many of them never before available, were sourced from the British Library and other renowned institutions, and curated by experts in British arts history. This collection provides a detailed look at the state of the British art world with, for example, not only manuscripts and compositions, but also documents such as personal letters, annotated programs, meeting minutes, and financial records, offering scholars an unmatched glimpse into the inner workings of the arts world and life in Victorian Britain.
An Alexander Street collection for students and researchers, BroadwayHD includes access to premium performances of plays and musicals from the New York theatre scene.