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Databases starting with H
Scholarship on Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean basin, the United States-Mexico border region, and Hispanics in the United States: citations to articles, book reviews, documents, literary works, and other material in more than 500 international social science and humanities journals, published from 1970 to the present. Many citations are linked to full-text.
HathiTrust is a large-scale collaborative repository with over 10 million volumes including content digitized via the Google Books project, Internet Archive, and by local libraries. Public domain content is full-text; non-public domain content (post-1923) is for full-text searching only. Since Tufts is a member, those with a Tufts login can download the pdf of pre-1923 materials and can build a personal collection. To login select Collections, then select login from the upper right; choose Tufts University and login using your Tufts username and password.
Comprised of data from the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) MEDLINE database, Ovid's HealthStar contains citations to the published literature on health services, technology, administration, community health and research. It focuses on both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care delivery.
Legal research collection of current and historical materials, including full-text law journals and texts; Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals; U.S. laws, regulations, cases and Congressional materials; international treaties and constitutions, foreign and comparative law materials, United Nations and League of Nations publications; and Jessup moot court information.
HeinOnline’s Air and Space Law illustrates the history of air and spaceflight through the programs and people that made these dreams possible. Bringing together documents on private-sector pioneers with government-funded programs, users of this database are able to see how governments and regulators reacted to these new technologies, the accidents and disasters that prompted reform, and the new frontiers that await as technology advances at an improbable speed. Topics covered include: airline deregulation; air traffic control modernization; airline safety concerns in a post-9/11 world; drones; satellites and their essential function in modern life; the Space Shuttle Program, including investigation of the Columbia and Challenger disasters; the growing problem of space debris; and the increasing amount of private, commercial companies and their stake in space.
HeinOnline's Civil Rights database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States as their legal protections and definitions are expanded to cover more and more Americans including disabled Americans and those identifying as LGBTQ. Containing hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on the landmark legislations, CRS and GAO reports, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, this database allows users to educate themselves on the ways our civil rights have been strengthened and expanded over time, as well as how these legal protections can go further still.
Developed in conjunction with the Law Library of Congress, the Law Library of Congress Reports is a database with a collection of more than 3,500 reports on foreign, comparative, and international law. These reports have been compiled in response to requests from Members of Congress, Congressional staff and committees, the federal courts, executive branch agencies, and other institutions.
LGBTQ+ Rights charts the gay rights movement in America, showing the civil rights codified into law in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the inequalities that still exist today. Topics covered include the Defense of Marriage Act, the AIDS crisis, military service by gay and transgender service members, 'bathroom bills,' and more. A separate subcollection presents historical texts whose views are offensive today, showing the prejudicial beliefs that permeated society and helped formed the laws of their time.
Developed in conjunction with the William Winthrop Memorial Library of the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's School, this collection contains publications produced by the JAG on military justice, war crimes, and international law. The collection also contains rare 19th century works on military law and justice, and the complete works of Colonel William Winthrop.
This database provides brief overviews of state histories from colonization to statehood. It also identifies a wide range of both readily available and hard-to-find materials from each state. This is an invaluable and comprehensive tool for researchers. Sources include state codes, journals, digests, reports, surveys, and much more. Sources link to available documents whenever possible.
Includes access to Attorney General Opinions for Massachusetts which constitute integral elements in the state’s framework of governing law. These opinions have the characteristics of both primary and secondary authorities and are all contained in the database’s platform.
The Political &Legal History collection give users an array of titles tailored to Massachusetts' history and development, presenting an eclectic and colorful view into its legal, historical, social, geographic, and economic makeup through historical and current texts. Content is as unique and distinct as the state it represents, while also paying homage to the regional and historical ties that have bound certain states together.
HeinOnline’s digital Session Laws Library contains exact replications of the official bound session laws of every state. This ever-expanding database is the only complete online source of laws from each selected state(s), beginning with territorial, colonial, and early statehood laws and continuing through to today.
Includes Massachusetts state reports, as well as linking to the full text of available historical state reports in HeinOnline’s image-based PDF format. This database provides researchers with a bibliographic guide to published court reports and how they interrelate with the National Court Reporter system.
Includes access to Massachusetts' historical superseded state statutes, providing an avenue to understanding the creation of historical statutes.
U.S. State Commitments with Foreign Governments is an online collection of the full text of the commitments entered into by various U.S. states with foreign governments to cooperate on issues ranging from economic development to environmental protection, from archaeology to human rights and transportation. Most have never been published before.
HeinOnline's Water Rights & Resources is dedicated to understanding the complex interplay of state and federal laws that govern all aspects of water in society, from municipal use to restoring its pristine condition. Collecting congressional documents, books, legislative histories on major legislation, and Supreme Court briefs on related cases, this collection touches on a wide range of water issues, including irrigation, hydropower, water conservation, drinking water quality, and tribal water rights, encompassing the unique water rights issues that span from the Eastern seaboard to the Great Lakes and across the arid West.
Henry Stewart Talks contains over 1,000 online audio-visual seminar style talks in medicine and the life sciences.
Digitized documents from the Justice Department Library and U.S. National Archives covering the Hindu Conspiracy Case, a series of arrests and later trials against Indian Nationalists active in the United States, bankrolled by Germans interested in supporting the overthrow of British colonial rule in India.
Part of the Americas Historical Newspapers collection, Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 includes several hundred titles from Latino presses of the 19th and 20th centuries. Includes titles published in Spanish, English, and bilingual papers from across 22 states.
Scholarly literature in history from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada). This database provides indexing of more than 1,700 academic historical journals in over 40 languages back to 1955.
Fully searchable and downloadable compendium of statistics that includes over 37,000 data series on various topics. Allows users to graph individual tables and create customized tables and spreadsheets.
This database integrates four bibliographiesthe Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science, the Current Bibliography in the History of Technology, the Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza and the Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine. The History of STM database includes citations for journal articles, conference proceedings, books, dissertations, serials, maps and other related materials.
ProQuest History Vault includes: 1) The Southern Life and African American History, 1775-1915 collection features petitions on race, slavery, and free blacks that were submitted to state legislatures and county courthouses between 1775 and 1867, 2) The U.S. Diplomatic Post Records, 1914-1945 collection offers a detailed view of U.S. foreign relations during the period from the years immediately before the outbreak of World War I through to the end of the Vietnam War 3) NAACP papers which covers Board of Directors, Annual Conferences, Major Speeches, and National Staff Files The NAACPs Major Campaigns: Education, Voting, Housing, Employment, Armed Forces and The NAACPs Major Campaigns: Scottsboro, Anti-Lynching, Criminal Justice, Peonage, Labor, and Segregation and Discrimination Complaints and Responses.
The HistoryMakers is a video oral history archive dedicated to preserving African American history as the missing link in American history. Focused on American history, oral history and education in general and more specifically on African American history, education, music, law, the arts, science, technology, media, medicine, entertainment, fashion & beauty, business, the military, politics and sports, The History Makers is a combination archive, library, museum, stock footage collection, on-line educator and educational PBS/TV programming. Its topics include but are not limited to African American organizations and associations, slavery, reconstruction, the labor movement, the civil rights movement and black authors.
Electronic documents made available by the Dudley Knox Library at the Naval Postgraduate School, searchable by keyword or by topic, including general U.S. policy documents, national strategy documents, theses and research papers from the Center for Homeland Defense and Security and the Naval Postgraduate School, and homeland security executive orders. Also includes notices of events and conferences pertaining to homeland security, and news items drawn from various news sources.
This collection documents the activist and professional activities of Donald S. Lucas. The vast majority of the collection dates from 1953 to 1969. The Lucas collection contains an abundance of material relating to the early homosexual civil rights movement (the homophile movement) and the San Francisco manifestation of President Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty. The strength of the collection lies in the administrative and work files of the Mattachine Society, the Mattachine Review, Pan-Graphic Press, and the Central City Target Area of the San Francisco EOC. The collection includes: correspondence, meeting minutes, constitutions and by-laws, newsletters, manuscripts, financial documents, reports, statistics, legal decisions, surveys, counseling records, funding proposals, and subject files.
Human Rights Watch researchers conduct fact-finding investigations into human rights abuses by governments and non-state actors in all regions of the world.