Happy New Year 2020!
Happy New Year! January 25, 2020 begins the Year of the Rat, according to the twelve-year Chinese zodiac cycle.
Happy New Year! January 25, 2020 begins the Year of the Rat, according to the twelve-year Chinese zodiac cycle.
To celebrate Wellness Week, the Library Staff have created a food-themed display. The display, ‘Food for Thought’, acknowledges various ways in which food is vital to our health and well-being. We have books about eating food, raising food, supplements and herbs. Through the end of February, we’ll have a ‘Recipe of the Day’. For those of you who can’t make it into the library every day, the recipes will be posted on this page. If you would like to contribute a recipe (for humans or animals), please send it to webvet@tufts.edu or one of the library staff.
Search our library catalog for "anatomy" and you'll find hundreds of books, journals, software and AV materials. Some things are online and some are in the library. There are lots of species represented... small, large, domestic, ruminant, lab, exotic, avian, amphibian, reptile, primate, chordate and vertebrate. The topics range from basic anatomy to clinical, neurological, radiographic, surgical, developmental, functional, art and nomenclature.
Almost every topic in the news today has a One Health component. The Library has created a display to show some of the One Health topics and issues that are of concern: public health, veterinary medicine, human medicine, wildlife management, environmental health, climate change... the list goes on.
National One Health Day is November 3rd. Save the date!
To celebrate Diversity Month, the library asked for input on four statements. Here is what we heard and this is what it looked like.
Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?
Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.
The library has created a display to honor Dr. King. We chose the theme of ‘service’. The display has stories about Cummings students, faculty, staff and our volunteers.
The summer library display features local travel tips. The suggestions include places in Grafton, the Worcester area and farther afield. There are numerous zoos, aquariums, animal sanctuaries and other fun activities in our area. And did you know... the MBTA has a special $10 summer weekend commuter rail fare from June 9th-September 2nd. The fare is valid for unlimited travel through all zones on Saturdays and Sundays.
With all of the stress that surrounds the end of an academic year and finals, we decided to have a display of humorous books. Surprisingly enough, we have quite a few funny books in our collection. We also have a "joke of the day." Have you seen them? They are all about animals (naturally)... we have some real groaners! Here are some examples...
Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 11th-17th! Visit the Library next week and share a random act of kindness that you have given or received. Post a message on our board; inspire others and spread kindness!
Cummings Thrives, Office of Student Affairs and the Veterinary Library collaborated to create a wellness display in the library.