Library News

The leadership and the staff members of the Tufts University Libraries join with the university and library communities in expressing our outrage at the brutal murder of George Floyd; the racism and violence against Black, Indigenous and People of Color; and the police brutality that has tragically ended the lives...
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Two new electronic journals were added in 2018: Companion animal and Livestock. The most recent four years of each journal are available.
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Here are some of the electronic books we've recently purchased, in order to better support the clinical rotations and our current online curriculum. There are some really good additions to our collection! Please note that not all of the books have unlimited simultaneous user licenses. Color atlas of veterinary histology...
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Welcome to the new Webster Family library website. We're in beta. Please let us know if you have any feedback .
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New year display
Happy New Year! January 25, 2020 begins the Year of the Rat, according to the twelve-year Chinese zodiac cycle.
Posted on Feb 10, 2020
Food for Thought Wellness display
To celebrate Wellness Week, the Library Staff have created a food-themed display. The display, ‘Food for Thought’, acknowledges various ways in which food is vital to our health and well-being. We have books about eating food, raising food, supplements and herbs. Through the end of February, we’ll have a ‘Recipe...
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Search our library catalog for "anatomy" and you'll find hundreds of books, journals, software and AV materials. Some things are online and some are in the library. There are lots of species represented... small, large, domestic, ruminant, lab, exotic, avian, amphibian, reptile, primate, chordate and vertebrate. The topics range from...
Posted on Dec 02, 2019
It's been two years since the last e-book update and we have added some interesting books to the library's collection. All of these (and many more) are in the Tufts Library Catalog. It's not a lot of books, but there are some classics! Published in 2019 Fowler's zoo and wild...
Posted on Nov 04, 2019
Massachusetts Library of Things Scatter Map
Check out the Library of Things Scatter Map that the Massachusetts Library System has compiled for things like museum passes, cookware, garden seeds and home tools. As a resident of Massachusetts, you can get a local public library and a Boston Public Library card. Your local library and Boston Public...
Posted on Sep 20, 2019
The Farmers' Market has started back up for the 2019 season. We had some beautiful donations of cucumbers, peppers, squash and eggplant. All of the money collected is donated to the Travis Fund for Needy Animals. The market is located just inside the Library entrance, in Loew Medical Education Center.
Posted on Jul 26, 2019